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作者:徐云  杨健 
单位:浙江工业大学教育科学与技术学院 杭州 310023 
关键词:自闭症 早期发现 社交沟通障碍 早期行为表现 


Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder which last thourghout a person' s lifetime. Its prevalencehas increased sharply and its cause is unknown. Early recognization and intervention is critical for efficient treatment. This paper mainly discussed the progress of early recognization of children with autism based on social communication, language development, repetitive behavior and atypical motor development. Evidence has suggested that early social communication behavior(e.g., reduced orienting to people' sface, lack of response to name, no positive affection, lack of common attention, etc.) can efficiently recognize early autism and language retardation can be used as a clinical indicator of autism screening. However, inconsistent evidence show that early repetitive behavior and atypical motor development could differentiate between autism and growth retardation. We need to combine new techniques such as event-related potentials, magnetic resonance imaging,eye-tracking and new methods to explore the early markers of autism in the future.


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