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作者:杨泗学1  张凯2  李祎3  蔡增林3  李在坡3  孙承波3  曹金霞4  吴江1  秦榛1  王国强2 
单位:1. 连云港市第四人民医院临床心理科 连云港 222000 
 无锡市精神卫生中心心理科 无锡 214151 
 连云港市第一人民医院 连云港 222000 
 连云港市第二人民医院 连云港 222000 
关键词:躯体形式障碍 非理性信念量表 应对方式问卷 社会支持评定量表 


Objective: To exploring psychological features of irrational beliefs, coping style and social support in the patients with somatoform disorders. Methods: 45 patients with somatoform disorders and 50 normal volunteers were recruited into this study, who all completed the irrational beliefs scale, coping style questionnaire and social support revalued scale. Results: The somatoform disorder patients group had lower scores at problem solving and help asking, compared with the control group( P <0.01). The patients group had higher score at blame, avoid, and imagine( P <0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences between the two groups at scores of social support, subject support and social support utilization( P < 0.05). Conclusion: Somatic disorder patients have irrational beliefs, take more negative coping style for its physical symptoms. Moreover, the patients cannot perceive and take advantage of their social supporting resources, although the patients revceive the same social support as normal controls.


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