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作者:王倩倩1  杨振斌2  李焰3 
单位:1. 清华大学经济管理学院 北京 100084 
 厦门大学公共事务学院 厦门 361005 
 清华大学心理咨询中心 北京 100084 
关键词:心理应激 抑郁情绪 心理弹性 自杀倾向 有调节的中介效应 


Objective: To explore the effect of psychological stress on suicide inclination. Methods: 731 college students were tested with four instruments. Results: ①Suicide inclination has significant positive correlation with psychological stress and depression, has significant negative correlation with resilience; ②Psychological stress could affect suicide inclination by influencing depression. However, the mediating effect of depression was moderated by resilience. Conclusion: Our finding provide further insight into the mechanism how the psychological stress influence suicide inclination.


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