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作者:周平艳1  刘丹玮1  周仁来1 2 3 4  孙本良5  肖洁5  李松5 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院应用实验心理北京市重点实验室 北京 100875 
 认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室 (北京师范大学) 北京 100875 
 南京大学社会学院心理学系 南京 210093 
 脑与学习协同创新中心 北京 100875 
 北京市天堂河戒毒康复所 北京 102609 
关键词:药物成瘾 戒断期 决策 N2 


Objective: Using a gamble task, the aim of the study is to explore the impairment and recovery of decision making in patients with drug addiction. We measured, the different ERP activities in abstainers with different abstinent- terms(short-term group: mean=2.7 months, middle-term group: mean=19.36 months, long-term group: 49.6 months) and healthy control participants. Methods: Participants were required to identify the position of target on the left or the right of the screen according to the probability. Results: Behavioral data showed that all abstainers acquired lower gambling scores than control group, indicating that the behavior of all abstainers have higher impulsivity compared to control. And gambling scores acquired by short-and middle-term groups significantly increased in the middle and late stages of the experiment compared to the early stage. This suggest sthat the decline of study ability gradually recovered with the withdrawal time prolonged. Electroencephalographic(EEG) results found that the short-and middle-term groups had no difference in N2 amplitude, and that long-term group showed similar but not identical pattern of brain activation compared to control group. Conclusion: Drugs impair the ability of information-analysis and executive control. This damage seems to be recovered after four years withdrawal in long-term group, but not returned to normal levels yet.


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